Saturday, September 21, 2013

1st Preseason Run

Emma and I went for a walk last Sunday down at the HogFarms Covert. Many of the old apple trees, planted years ago are carrying a good crop this year.
Emma found one bird deep in the multiflora rose cover and paid the price with a torn ear.
This covet has a large population  of Cucumber Magnolia trees that are loaded with fruit.
The Hawthorn are hanging full of fruit also.
This small bird showed little fear of me and I got a nice picture. I haven't been able to identify it yet.
It was a very pleasant morning to be in the woods as the signs of fall approaches.

1 comment:

CrazyED said...

I'm not sure what bird that is but my guess would be a warbler of sorts. My father is an avid birder you could check out his blog at he might have some on there in one of his galleries.