Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Hunt for Summertime Smallmouths

The Fourth of July is my unofficial start of Smallmouth Bass fishing. The rivers and streams are flowing lower now with the fish more congregated in deeper water. But fishing is much more than catching fish to me at least. It's seeing what Mother Nature has to show me along my rivers and streams that flow through my Allegheny Mountains. It's the anticipation of what flora or fauna you will find around the next bend in the stream.

The Rock Bass can provide you with some action until you find the Smallies.

Even a small Smallmouth can bring a smile to your face.

A nice fat 14 inch Smallmouth. The "fish of the day" on this trip.

1 comment:

Dual Setters said...

Nice fish.
Been thinking about chasing some local smallies myslef.