Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Perfect Timing

I've been wearing the shock collar on Bliss for the past few weeks just to get her use to wearing it.  I've used the vibration mode several times to call her back in when she strays too far but today offered the perfect opportunity to use the shock mode.  She was running around the Home Orchard beyond the trees in an area that I only mow once a year. The grass is approaching knee height and the dogs enjoy hunting for mice, voles and rabbits there. I just happened to be watching Bliss running through the grass when a small fawn jumped up in front of her. Of course she gave chase. I quickly turned the transmitter to the shock mode and gave her a touch of electricity .  She immediately let out a yelp and came running back to me for "protection". I made a fuss over her and told her she was a "good girl".  I use the shock collar very sparingly but in this instance I had the perfect situation and was able to use it knowing she would associate the shock with the deer. We'll see if she needs a future lesson in the month's to come.


Bill Press said...

So glad Bliss is working out for you. I use an e collar every day with my 2. It's always been amazing to me how quickly they catch on and soon only need to hear the tone.

GBE was right; they are indispensable.

Greyphase said...

So true Mark. Thicket and Bliss were their e collar's when loose around the farm and are perfect angels and yes they do learn quickly to come in when they hear the tone.