The summer heat has come on with a vengeance. This was yesterday at about 4 o'clock.
On the hottest of days some of the bees hang on the outside of the hive, their way of regulating the temperature inside the hive.
The start of the new chicken coop. It's being built where formerly I had a 10 by 12 foot dog kennel.
I confess to neglecting my nursery of apple grafts this spring and that let the aphid population explode. The aphids feed on the new leaves, sucking the fluid out of them and making them curl up and eventually die. Several sprayings of Sevin and I have them under control and the grafts are putting on some good height.
My Cochin flock has grown in the past month. I've added three Black Mottled pullets.
I've started fishing my "big water" The Raystown Branch of the Juniata River.
I've been able to catch a few smallmouth and enjoy some wonderful scenery.