Saturday, January 15, 2011

A winter walk with Jim-Bob

My nephew Jim-Bob had some rare free time today so we headed into the nearby mountains with the dogs in hopes of finding a grouse. Our destination was a large clearcut that had recently had its deerproof fence removed. With a couple of inches of snow on the ground we could get a clear picture of what wildlife was out and about. We found several sets of grouse tracks with one ending with a set of wing prints in the snow.The cover looked promising, a tangle of briers, saplings and mountain laurel.

Jim-Bob's boy Zeke questing the cover.

Emma on her usual fly-by.
Sadly like my other late season hunts this year we moved no birds. One more Saturday and the season ends for another year.


Karen Thomason/Gordon Setter Crossing said...

Bummer there were no birds, but looks like there was some nice dog work going on. Zeke is a handsome boy! Love the tail just the way it is. Nice point...or flash point?

Greyphase said...

Hi Karen

Wish that was a point but it was just a lucky camera shot as Zeke worked the cover past me.

Gary Thompson said...

I'm scrambling to get in as much bird hunting as I can before the end of the season. I can't believe it's just around the corner. What a great season!

Before you know it, I'll be buried in the basement getting project guns finished up for next season and frantically working on filling the fly boxes for spring and summer.