Bliss came up lame after our last woodcock run. I couldn't find any thorns in her pad and thought perhaps she had pulled or strained a muscle. The next day she was worst so a trip to the vet was in order. He found a thorn in her hock from an earlier run had formed an abscess.
It's been two days and I've taken the bandage off and am soaking her leg in Epsom Salts. She's on antibiotics, is starting to put a little weight on her leg and seems to be on the mend. When you consider the terrain our dogs run through it's a miracle they aren't injured more often.
Thoughts and pictures of my wanderings through the Allegheny Mountains hunting grouse and woodcock with my Ryman-type English Setters during the fall and winter months, fishing for smallmouth bass in local streams and rivers during the summer months and wandering over my 66 acres of heaven year round.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Finding Some Birds
The woodcock have finally started to move through some of my coverts and Bliss and I have had several enjoyable days afield. First is the Fish Hatchery Covert.
The Buffalo Covert also held a few birds.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Another Piney Creek Walk
A head and chest cold has kept me from my woodcock coverts for the past two weeks. Yesterday I finally made it out, taking Bliss for a walk along Piney Creek.
One fall day several years ago I ate a small but tasty red apple from this old tree. Yesterday I was able to prune a little scion wood from it. Hopefully I can get a successful graft and keep this old unknown variety alive.
Bliss hunted hard but after 2 hours she had found no woodcock and I was afraid we were going to get "skunked". I could see the truck in the distance when suddenly she froze into a point.
She held perfectly until I flushed the bird, and suddenly the long walk was well worth it.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Vernal Ponds
The vernal pond in the Back40 has come to life.
The Wood Frogs who have lived hidden in the surrounding brush and leaf litter have returned to the pond seeking mates.
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