Thursday, February 20, 2020

A walk Along Piney Creek

Took Bliss for a walk along Piney Creek looking for woodcock.  Bliss hunted hard but none were found.

3 old apple trees growing by an old foundation. I took scion from the tree on the right and have a nice grafted tree growing in the Back 40 orchard.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Working in the Orchards

I've been busy cutting scion wood to ship to other grafting "addicts" and pruning the trees to make them grow into the shape I want them to.  Any branches growing toward the center of the tree or rubbing other branches must be removed. You need light and air to reach the center of the tree for good health and good fruit.


Black Oxford scionwood.  An old Maine variety that ripens late in the season. Beside being a fine eating and cooking apple it makes a good wildlife apple, hanging on the tree into the winter months.  The scionwood must be cut from one year old branches to ensure a successful graft.