Emma passed away several days ago. She left behind many wonderful memories of past hunts.
Thoughts and pictures of my wanderings through the Allegheny Mountains hunting grouse and woodcock with my Ryman-type English Setters during the fall and winter months, fishing for smallmouth bass in local streams and rivers during the summer months and wandering over my 66 acres of heaven year round.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Unexpected Ending to My Season
Thursday, November 19, 2020
This Weeks Hunts
Bliss and I hunted the Church Hill covert earlier this week. Started off good with a solid point on a hen pheasant who held for the flush.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Finally Success
Bliss and I finally had some success today in the Harrier Ridge covert. Her first point was in some open pines that proved to be a hen pheasant. Growing up in Pa hen pheasants were protected but now their legal game and I broke a wing with the left barrel with Bliss making a nice find and retrieve.
The 16 gauge Model 51 Husqvarna built in 1912 did it's job.
We worked our way to a series of small ponds with some scattered aspen cover. And found some woodcock. The first bird held nicely for Bliss but had it's escape route planned ahead and I missed with both barrels. Soon she was on point again and I hurried in and flushed the bird. Lady luck was with me and I dropped it with the left barrel.
We found one more woodcock but it ran out from her point and flushed without a shot.
Here's hoping that the flights have begun and we'll find a few more birds before the season ends.
Thursday, November 5, 2020
A Quiet Season
Not much to write about this season so far. The woodcock have not started to move through, at least in my coverts and native birds are very scarce. Bliss had two points yesterday in the Blandsburg covert. The first bird flushed before I could get in position for a shot and the second bird used several larch trees to avoid my pellets. Warm weather is called for all next week so am not expecting much movement in the migration. Bliss had an encounter with a porcupine last week with a visit to the vet to remove the quills. Her two encounters last year obviously did not teach her the danger of messing with a quill pig. Some scenery pictures are all I have to show.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
1st week of Woodcock season results
Well Bliss and I have the first week of woodcock season under our belts, sadly with little to show for it.Hunted 3 days in three different coverts and managed to find one bird. Bliss handled the bird nicely after it ran out from her point and relocated it, but it flushed before I could get in position for a shot.
Here are some pictures of the coverts we hunted.
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Apples, Apples, Apples
Due to several requests I've "revived" my blog. :) Hopefully this fall the dogs and I'll have some experiences from my coverts to share with you. Until then here's some of the apples I've been harvesting this fall.
My Orchards are starting to bear fruit for me 6 years after my first plantings. One of the things that I tell people who buy trees from me is besides weed control and sunlight you need to have patience when growing apple trees. The nursery catalogs like to tell you that you will be picking apples a year or two after planting but in reality it's closer to 5 or 6 years for an apple tree to bear fruit. If a tree does set fruit in only a year or two you must pull off the fruit or you will stunt the tree. A tree needs to grow wood before it bears fruit. Enough of the apple growing lessons now on to the fruit. :)
Winecrisp, a "modern" apple developed by Purdue, Rutgers, and the University of Illinois it has a rich, spicy flavor great for eating off the tree or for cooking.
Myers Royal Limbertwig, an heirloom apple grown from a seed by the Myers family of Cades Cove Tennessee in the early 1800's. A very juicy apple with a blend of sweet-tart flavors. My favorite fresh eating apple.
Black Amish. Believed to be an old Pennsylvania apple but it's origin is lost to history. A tart apple just off the tree it mellows in storage to a sweeter flavor.
Arkansas Black. My young tree has not bore fruit yet but I did get this apple off a limb graft I made on a wild seedling tree growing in the old horse pasture. A very hard apple when first picked it's a supreme storage apple developing into a fine eating apple after several months in storage.
Must end todays blog, I have some Mammoth Black Twig apples that need picking. :)
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Some Pictures of my Wanderings this Week
Friday, March 27, 2020
It's been two days and I've taken the bandage off and am soaking her leg in Epsom Salts. She's on antibiotics, is starting to put a little weight on her leg and seems to be on the mend. When you consider the terrain our dogs run through it's a miracle they aren't injured more often.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Finding Some Birds